My name is Cathryn Mok and I was born and raised in Hong Kong and a self-taught fine art photographer and visual artist. I love taking photo because my dad taught me about photography when I was 11.  I first started taking photos with friend when I was 14.  I didn’t go to art school to studying art or photography.  Because I  studied somethings I have no interest and passion for life.  Also, I love to dance since I was 15 and eventually I ended up being a dancer because my father think that dance is not a career in life.
I’m falling into photography and being taken seriously when I was 40.  I felt like I have really discovered something that made me be able to express myself and found a way to put a part of myself into the process. So, I starting self-portraits and conceptual art.
When I taking self-portraits gives me a certain kind of freedom to experiment and a healing power.  A deep connection with self-portraits I just got so used to putting my stories and putting my emotions into them.   “Photography” make me feel like something vital ingredient in life to ability to see the world in a different way and constantly get inspired to create whatever imaginative visions in my mind.
Beside, I have always been interested in creative things and building little things with a curious mind.  I used to use random objects  in any kind of stores or unconventional materials, just repurpose and make something fun to play with and experiment into my personal projects.
The keys of the photography can make connection to people, established relationship and develop trust. I just want to create an image as much as possible, more meaningful and have a lot of fun while doing it.

Sep 2014- Group Exhibition "My First Exhibition" at Langham Place

Apr 2015 - "SHOOT ME" online magazine

Jun 2015- Group Exhibition "100 Self-Portraits of Hongkongese" at PMQ Hong Kong.
Collaboration work to created a whimsical photo series and print merchandises.
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